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Our mission is simple.. To transform the world with beauty and a sense of permanence. Here is something I live by.. Have less “things”. But the few that you do have, have them forever.  


William Douglas was born in Phoenix AZ, the 5th of 6 sons. The conflicts of childhood were not of the same as the typical kid growing up. A difficult childhood meant time was spent worrying about suitable living conditions, from staying with friends to living in a grandparent’s garage. Moving around, sometimes several times a year, never having a real place to call home, William acquired a strong desire for such a place. A desire to have a home where the soul can have rest. He learned the importance of the Atmosphere to create a certain sense of comfort and relief.

Leaving high school early, William began working. He developed a strong work-ethic and by age 22 he had purchased, on his own merits, a home in the Arcadia neighborhood. Soon after, he acquired a studio in which to design and build, and began working with raw materials in an effort to create the long desired home he never had. The obsession turned into a passion and the quality of products were undeniable.

WDC was formed with intentions to transform the world with beauty. William Morris once said.. “With the arrogance of youth, I determined to do no less than to transform the world with beauty. If I have succeeded in some small way, if only in one small corner of the world, amongst the men and women I love, then I shall count myself blessed, and blessed, and blessed, and the work goes on.”